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20 mars 2011 7 20 /03 /mars /2011 00:22

« I am very sorry and saddened that my country tonight is facing a barbaric and armed attack. Some Western countries are leading a rocket attack in Tripoli and Misurata. An attack that caused some real harm gainst civilians and buildings.

"This barbaric aggression against the Libyan ppl comes while we have announced the ceasefire against the armed militias which are prt of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

"And the attack comes as Libya has announced general and major developments and reforms in the economic and organisational contexts.

"The number of civilians who have been hurt or harmed by this aggression tonight, the number is filling up our hositals, and ambulances are doing their best to save as many lives of civilians as possible.

"This aggression is barbaric and that has no excuse since Libya has already accepted the resolutions of the security council and announced and the armed forces announced a ceasefire and stopped all military operations against the armed militias.

"Furthermore, Libya has requested the presence of international observers on the ground to judge that we did really stop our military operations.

"And instead of sending fact-finding missions to find out what is really happening, some countries have elected for an aggression against Libya.This aggression will not weaken our spirit, and will not convince Libyans to give up to the armed militias who are part of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

"And what you have seen of the masses gathering in different locations to protect them, declaring their allegiance to the leader of the country, is the proof that the Libyan people will not be defeated. »


Important : Le régime libyen considère nulle la résolution 1973 après les raids occidentaux ...

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